Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Blog Day 2

Today, we started the day with some creative writing time. Our prompt was “a 16 year old gets struck by lightning”. This was a fun and interesting experiment because everyone in the class took it in a very different direction. Some gave the subject a superpower, but some took the prompt creatively. For example, one student assumed the character died and went on to explain an afterworld.

Image: Students sit around a cluster of tables in the classroom.
They are typing on their laptops.

Image: Students sit around a cluster of tables in the classroom.
Some are turned toward each other in conversation.
One student is typing on his laptop. 

Image: This is a picture of a laptop screen, showing several images
--(1) desert plateaus, (2) sandy desert with a dry plant on top of a small
pile of dirt, (3) hilly desert with a person leading three camels, (4) a
desert with a geometric structure, and (5) a white seal cub.

Next, we focused on building worlds. We started with reading a short story and examining how the author built the world. We noted tools the author used to show the reader how the world in the story was different than the one we live in. After getting a better understanding of how to create worlds, we went on to attempt it ourselves. We broke into groups of two then began going through all of the possibilities of our new world, what could be different, and what this would affect. With our new creations in hand, we finished the day by each writing a story taking place in our new world.


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