Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Excerpt Day 3

After years of legal footwork and cutting red tape with machetes, animal rights organizations were finally able to get congress to vote in favor of amending the bill of rights to apply to every living animal. This of course means chickens have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, dairy cows have the right to bear arms, a bear that mauls a hiker is innocent till proven guilty by a jury of his peers and pigs have the right to free speech through the government appointed animal to english translators.

With all these changes in the world, the dark reality is that people are abusing the new legal system, as people tend to do. Corporations are beginning to hire rats and mice as full time employees and training illegitimate animal to human translators in order to frame the animals of embezzlement that is actually being committed by high level executives. In the trial of the accused rodents, the jury of various small mammals will nearly always find the accused guilty, because the translator of the accused will immediately admit guilt.


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